Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Media Landscape

The recession has accelerated systemic changes in the media landscape: Audiences are fragmenting, taking more control, and seeking inexpensive — or free — alternatives. Combined, print and television lost almost $17 billion in US ad spending in 2008 and 2009. While it may seem to be a buyers' market, this media meltdown risks being highly disruptive to campaigns and partnerships. Marketing leaders must work with media companies and agencies to reinvent integrated marketing, blending content with messages and extending channels not for reach, but for deeper audience relationships.
Do you remember the last time you found a plumber through a newspaper ad or yellow pages, I believe you use one of the search engines. So in order to stand out of the crowd, you should take your place in Social Media. Besides nobody has time to read long articles any more; thats why Twitter is so successful, you should finish your message in 140 characters. Its just makes the message deliverable and readable.
Twitter has made marketers rethink the way they market. You can follow any company and get their tweets on your twitter profile. (On twitter you can find more companies than users.All have their twitter accounts and send tweets to their followers.The new age marketing.)
New product launch,new ad,relaunch,any news about company,results anything,they send you tweets instantly the thing happens.Viral marketing has a whole new dimension and medium to grow.
Bloggers like me use Twitter to announce the new posts instantly as the post is published.

How many people in USA Tweets per day?
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